От имени Общероссийской общественной организации «Ассоциация колопроктологов России», Российского общества хирургов, Российского эндоскопического общества приглашаем вас к участию в Российском Колопроктологическом Форуме с международным участием!
Спонсорство и выставка
Анатолий Колесников
+7 (495) 646-01-55 (доб. 165)

+7 (926) 282-12-56

Работа с участниками
Иннокентий Кузнецов
+7 (495) 646-01-55, доб. 162

+7 (925) 166-93-72



OCTOBER 10–12, 2019
The main goal of the event is establishing a unique venue for close cooperation between coloproctologists and specialists in allied specialties for exchange of the most efficient and advanced ideas of the industry.

Like in the previous event, the schedule of the Scientific conference with international participation
Russian coloproctological forum will include scientific reports, poster sessions, practical seminars, master-classes and symposia regarding the most relevant problems. Within the framework of the Forum, the meeting of the Coloproctology commission of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation is scheduled.

Key themes
Anogenital pain syndrome
General proctology
Diagnostics of large bowel diseases
Pelvic floor descent syndrome
Modern X-ray diagnostics of perianal fistulas
Rehabilitation in coloproctology (stomas, wounds, incontinence)
The state of early diagnostics and treatment of bowel cancer
Molecular genetic markers in diagnostics and forecast of bowel cancer
Chemotherapy of bowel cancer. From simple to complex
Anaemias in oncology
Modern approaches to target therapy of colon cancer
Prevention and treatment of venous thromboembolic events in oncoproctology
Genetics of bowel cancer
Diverticular disease
Irritable bowel syndrome
Ulcerative colitis
Inflammatory bowel diseases
Modern X-ray diagnostics of perianal fistulas
Diagnostical and operative endoscopy of colorectal cancer
Surgery of coloproctology patients using laparoscopic and robotic technologies
Surgical aspects of prevention and treatment of intestinal stoma complications
Purulent-septic infection during large bowel diseases
Immunoglobulins during coloproctology diseases
Sepsis in coloproctology
Organising committee
Yuri Shelygin
The president of the All-Russian Public Organization "Russian Association of Coloproctology", Director of the A.N. Ryzhykh State Research Centre of Coloproctology of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia, Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor
Igor Zatevakhin
The President of the Russian Society of Surgeons, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor
Mikhail Korolyov
The chairman of the Russian Endoscopy Society, professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences
Alexey Veselov
Head of the Organisational Work and Coloproctology Service Development Department of the A.N. Ryzhykh State Research Centre of Coloproctology of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia, Candidate of Medical Sciences
Alexey Moskalyov
Head of the Higher Education Department of A.N. Ryzhykh State Research Centre of Coloproctology of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia, Candidate of Medical Sciences
Vladimir Ni Kashnikov
Deputy director for treatment of the A.N. Ryzhykh State Research Centre of Coloproctology of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia, Doctor of Medical Sciences
Sergey Frolov
Deputy director for science of the A.N. Ryzhykh State Research Centre of Coloproctology of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia, Doctor of Medical Sciences
Evgeny Rybakov
Head of the Oncoproctology Department of A.N. Ryzhykh State Research Centre of Coloproctology of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor
Mikhail Ratmanov
The Minister of Healthcare of Samara region
Gennady Kotelnikov
Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor
Andrey Zhuravlyov
Chief non-staff coloproctologist of Samara region, head of the Coloproctology Department of clinics of SamGMU, Candidate of Medical Sciences
Sergey Katorkin
Head of the Hospital Surgery sub-department and clinic of Samara State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia, Candidate of Medical Sciences, associate professor
The all-Russian public organization "Russian Association of Coloproctology"
Russian Endoscopy Society
Technical organizer
International Congress Agency

With support of
The Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation
The Ministry of Healthcare of Samara region
The A.N. Ryzhykh State Research Centre of Coloproctology of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia
Samara State Medical University
ФГБОУ ДПО «Российская медицинская академия непрерывного профессионального образования» Минздрава России
Media partners
Scientific conference with international participation
Russian coloproctological forum ,
Contact details

+7 (495) 646-01-55, plus 162